Customer Relationship Managment System

A new way to digitize your business using cloud-based CRM, To ensure and improve your customer relationship with product sale and support using CRM.

Customer Relationship Managment System
Online CRM

Online CRM

The cloud CRM (or WebCRM) is the solutions for the business industries. Now a day, every business is facing issues how to manage customers, sales, equipment, vendors and distributors & the other critical issues are how to manage support after sales. Every customer facing issues after purchase product and they want to complain and tracking of complaints.

We are providing the solution with cloud-based application to manage customer and customer sales with warranty and guaranty. If a customer has a problem, then you will easily create a call log of a complaint and be given the solution with employee assign. So our CMS (Content management application system) is giving you a complete solution to manage your sales after support.


Login Authentication

User Management

Customer Management

Dealer Management

Prodcut or Equipment Management

Call Log Or Complain Management

Reports Management


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Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates

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